Alfred de Crépy Head of Funds Management

The specific features of healthcare real estate enable this asset class to offer investors the conditions for sustainable financial and extra-financial performance in all its dimensions: return, risk, liquidity and impact.

Alfred de Crépy joins LIFENTO, a management company specializing in the investment and management of healthcare real estate assets in Europe, as Managing Director in 2019.

Previously an auditor at PwC, then a consultant for real estate practices at Deloitte, he was also a fund manager and then deputy director of fund management at SwissLife AM. He managed the OPCI Dynapierre, as well as Club Deals and single-investor funds, for which he selected and invested in various asset classes (office, residential, managed residential and retail) in France and more widely in Europe.

In the course of his past experience, Alfred de Crépy has built up a solid knowledge of real estate, which today enables him to occupy the position of Director of Fund Management, with over 200 million euros invested since 2018 in France as well as in Europe via the OPPCI Lifento Care and the RAIF Lifento Care Paneuropean.